Members of Longmont Twin Peaks Rotary Club have a long history of strong support of both the global The Rotary Foundation and the local Twin Peaks Charity Fund. Both are 501(c)3 entities. 

The Rotary Foundation

The mission of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. Donations to the Foundation are, in turn, distributed through global and district grants. Rotarians are recognized for their contributions through the various levels of the Paul Harris Fellow program, Paul Harris Society, Major Donor levels and Bequest Society, to name a few. 

To learn more about the amazing accomplishments and service of The Rotary Foundation, click here.

Charity Fund

Most of the monies raised for the Charity Fund are accomplished through events like the Dave Schey Memorial Golf Tournament, Chuckwagon Pancake Breakfast, and Holiday Ball. Distribution of the funds through our service projects, scholarships, Junior Golf and local grants is overseen by the Board of Trustees.



Club Events
Club Leaders